Our engagements to the Authors we translate
Dear authors we wish to translate ; here are PTGPTB's engagements towards you,
Who we are
ptgptb.fr is a non-profit association devoted to a website full of French translations of RPG articles written in English and other languages.
Our editorial line is to translate and publish on our site substantial feature articles on roleplaying games that we find interesting and/or funny, all for the benefit of the French gaming community.
We started in 2000 as the French version of Places To Go, People To Be (http://ptgptb.org), the famous Australian e-zine on RPGs. After having translated 100 of the best articles from the original PTGPTB, we now have over 600 other articles translated from such blogs and e-zines as Signs & Portents (Mongoose), Gnome Stew, Greg Costikyan, Robin D. Laws (Pelgrane publishing site), The Forge, Monte Cook, RPGNet, Johnn Four from roleplayingtips.com, the Christian Gamers Guild ... They all trust us!
Our engagements when we request your permission to transalte and publish one of your works
Rest assured, we’re not contacting you… to steal your work! You’ll find below a pseudo-legal list of our promises to you.
If you have any questions or request, don’t hesitate and contact us at ptgptbvf AT free.fr :)
- What do we guarantee?
Regarding your credits and rights:
Every translated article of yours...
1. ...shall not be modified or edited except for the necessities of translation or adaptation for French audience and distinct translator's notes (thus we may add, for references, links to Wikipedia, rpg.net and it's French equivalent), as well as relevant pictures for ease of reading and comprehension.
2. ...shall credit you, the author and/or the right-holder, in a visible way, with the mention "(c) [year] [author's name]" (by default. If the original is some Creative Commons option, we follow the guideline)
3. ...shall include a link to the site and original page (by default), or any other web address you wish
4. ...shall include any reference, author's presentation, introduction, logo or legal mention that you see fit. Below is an example of banner of the original site, link, mention and introduction :
Since we like to showcase the authors to our readers, we'll also gather information about you, but by all means, feel free to provide us with 4-5 lines of biography yourself! :)
5. ...shall appear on the ptgptb.fr website for as long as you authorize it. As long as we don't receive a message from you stating the opposite, we will assume you have not changed your mind and continue to allow the publication of the French version.
6. We update you twice: when one of us finally picks the intended text for translation (it may not happen right after you’ve given us your consent), and when it is eventually translated (which might be quarters after, if the translator gives up). Then we'll send you the link to the translation and edit the page as you wish.
7. The copyright of the translation is shared between yourself and our association (meaning we can't do anything with the translation without your consent).
8. If the translation piece generates any money (e.g. is sold to a French gaming magazine, which happened only twice... in 20 years... ;) ) the eventual royalties will be shared between you (70%), whoever sold the translation (10%) and our association (20%), according to the standards of the industry.
Here’s hoping we've made a strong case for our cause! :)
Thank you for your interest in our endeavor
Sylvain Chauvet
President of the ptgptb.fr association, editor and translator

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